For some wholesale insurance business owners, the holidays are the slow season. But there are a few things you can do to keep the holiday lag in business from having an impact on your business this year. Here are a few ideas.

Give your clients a gift. You may not be able to offer discounts on insurance products over the holidays. However, you can do …

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Social media can be a useful marketing tool for the wholesale insurance industry. However, there are a few pitfalls to avoid when getting started and developing your social media strategy. Here are a few common mistakes wholesale insurance sellers make when tackling social media.

Not putting content first. Think about it: you share your expertise at trade shows and conventions, in industry magazines, and in plenty …

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LinkedIn is one of the top sites for professional networking online—and it brings a lot of benefits. But not everyone who uses LinkedIn gets the most they can out of it. Here are a few tips for fueling your presence on the site—and generating more business.

Share your articles around. There’s a feature on LinkedIn called “Trending in Your Network.” It marks out articles that …

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October 25, 2013—On October 16-17, 2013, Trusted Choice held its first Virtual Experience trade show. The Trusted Choice Virtual Experience is an online insurance tradeshow exclusive to Trusted Choice member agencies and Trusted Choice Company and MGA Partners. This virtual insurance tradeshow is like a physical tradeshow, but attendees attend online from a computer wherever they can access the Internet. Attendees enjoy the …

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