Many people who run their own business start out wearing many hats – and that includes insurance wholesalers, carriers, and agents. But there almost always comes a point where, if you want your business to grow, you’re best advised to hire experts rather than trying to do everything yourself.

Here are a few reasons why you should consider taking the leap and hiring a marketing agency to promote your insurance business.

You Can’t Do Everything

When you’re just getting started, you may handle many tasks outside your area of expertise because you have the time to spend, but not the money to hire a pro. But if you want to grow your business, you’ll have to delegate certain tasks to professionals – and that includes marketing.

You may have been handling your own marketing since the beginning. But with a dedicated professional who can devote all their time to growing your business, think how much farther you can grow.

Marketers Have Specialized Expertise

With the advent of social media and the internet, it’s easier than ever (in one sense) for business owners to promote their company. But just because it’s easy and free to open a social media account and start posting, doesn’t mean it’s easy to generate revenue that way.

Generating revenue is tougher than it looks, either online or off. Professional marketers have detailed knowledge of SEO, social media marketing, brand consistency, email marketing/list-building, content marketing, writing and design to boosts sales.

Many marketing agencies offer teams with specialized expertise in each of these topics and more. And some, like ours, specialize in your industry and know a great deal about its specific challenges and opportunities. As a busy insurance professional, you don’t have time to become an expert in every facet of marketing. It’s far more effective and profitable to delegate those tasks to the professionals.

You Save Money and Time

On every level, hiring a marketing agency makes great financial sense.

It can easily pay for itself, in terms of bringing in more money to your business than you pay. You also save time trying various marketing strategies, teaching yourself new techniques, and handling your own implementation. As a business owner, your time is worth money as well.

If you’ve tried various other low-cost ways of handling your marketing, such as adding it to the duties of one of your team members who isn’t a professional marketer or bringing in an intern, you’ll most likely find that hiring a marketing agency is ultimately far more cost-effective than this option as well, as their efforts are more likely to pay off.

If you’ve hit a plateau in your earnings, it may be time to partner with a marketing agency. Hiring a pro doesn’t have to be hugely expensive – and it can make the difference between treading water and thriving. If you’re finding that your ambitions outstrip what you can do on your own, get in touch – let’s talk about how to take your business to the next level.

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