As an independent insurance agent, you may have started off handling your own marketing—as new business owners often do. But at a certain point, you may find you’ve hit a plateau—and the best way to break through it is to hire professionals to take your marketing to the next level.

So how do you pick the right marketing agency for you? There are thousands of marketing …

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Many people who run their own business start out wearing many hats – and that includes insurance wholesalers, carriers, and agents. But there almost always comes a point where, if you want your business to grow, you’re best advised to hire experts rather than trying to do everything yourself.

Here are a few reasons why you should consider taking the leap and hiring a marketing agency …

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Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising involves buying access to certain Google keywords, so that your ad will appear every time someone searches for those keywords. You pay a fee every time someone clicks on your ad.

There are reasons wholesale insurance may be a good fit for pay-per-click advertising—if you get the strategy right. Here are a few key tactics to keep in mind when embarking on your …

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Social Network

The statistics are in. Approximately 303 million people per month are active on LinkedIn, and about 40% of those visit the site on a daily basis. For wholesale insurance professionals, it’s a powerful platform to reach your target audience.

It’s crucial to make sure your LinkedIn profile is pulling its weight. Here are a few things to consider when tuning it up for 2020.

Update Your …

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Website Repair

How quickly can users get what they need on your insurance agency website? It’s a crucial question. According to some studies, users will spend only about 15 seconds maximum on a website before moving on. If they don’t see what they need immediately, they’ll visit your competitor. 

If it’s been a while since your website had an overhaul, maybe it’s time. Here are a few …

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